

ur robot的相關標籤

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這是我們每天的日常(其實片段是幾年前拍下的,Yobi自上年已經爬不上樓梯了)。我們每天外出,我都要無數次重複自己的理念:「不是不讓大家拍照,只希望您能夠先問一聲!」。尤其是在狗狗上廁所、我在清潔、我拿著屎屎去屎桶的時候。調過來,同樣事情發生在您身上,您又作何感想呢?當然大家亦有自己的選擇,但我可以有自己的選擇嗎?! . 大家都經常掛在口邊要講「初衷」、「原則」、「堅持」,我有啊!但為何我不讓您拍照,而我又變成仆街呢?!當我阻止大家拍照和解釋我的理念,大家可能會感到被冒犯甚至不悅,但首先大家有冇理會過我的感受先呢?我阻止第一個和解釋的時候,會好聲好氣;但到第十個、第二十個,我不是機械人、我都有情緒..... . 希望大家不要合理化拍照這回事,這不是什麼人權或自由,這是禮貌和尊重的事!大家經常都說台灣、日本當地人很有人情味很有禮貌,那我們自己的人情味往那裏去了呢?只去嚮往他人的,而自己又不去改變的,那這世界走落去會怎麼樣呢?不知自從那天起,很多人都只會在網上聊天,而人對人、面對面,就只會拿着手機過活,大家有幾多時候已經沒有再關心過身邊的人呢..... ?亦有些朋友可能遭到拒絕而感到不悅,在網絡上誣捏我會收人錢,$20/$50/$100不等,才可以影狗狗;但亦有無數的朋友可以作證,他們都跟狗狗拍過照,不用付款,只需要問一聲!不知情的朋友亦會相信自己選擇去相信的,實在無奈..... 如果認真便真的死了!我絕不介意跟大家分享,只希望大家能與人多一點關心、交流和溝通! . This’s Our Daily Life (Btw, the clips were taken few years ago, and Yobi ain’t able to climb up the staircase since last year). Meanwhile we go out everyday, I have to repeat thousands of times : “It ain’t about NO PHOTO, but Please Ask Before U Snap”. Especially when doggies they pee/poo, when am cleaning after, when am carrying tons of pops. Try to imagine, what if the same shit is happening to yourself, how U feel?! U may have ur own perception/choice, but can I have mine?! . People did study “May I?!”, “Would U mind?!” at school, but how come I stop U taking a photo and then I became impossible?! When I stop people taking a photo, try to explain why, and they may probably feel bad or offensive, but actually did people care how I feel the first place?! Am truly calm and patience when I stop and explain to the first one or second one, but when I talk to the tenth, the twentieth, I feel very very annoyed and pissed off..... Am not a robot, I have my emotion too. This ain’t sorts freedom or human rights, but courtesy and respect! . Many people say they feel a lot the warmness and friendliness of the people when visiting TaiWan and Japan, but where is ours then?! I don’t know since when, people do communicate on social media’s, but they won’t talk to people face to face and became mute and deaf, for how long we didn’t care people around?! . I never mind to share the happiness of the pack with people, am just expecting more and more people shall get engaged positively! They 5 are having photos with numerous people everyday, a reward to those people whom did ask for one politely! 🤠 *拍照前請先打招呼詢問一下哦 *拍照前請先注意交通安全哦 *狗狗上廁所時請不要拍照哦 *我清理和拿著狗狗便便時請不要拍照哦 *摸狗狗前請先問一下 *我們鼓勵人與人之間應該多聯繫 *打個招呼拍拍照何樂而不為 *PleaseGreetAndAskBeforeYouSnap *PleasePayAttentionToTrafficBeforeYouSnap *PleaseDoNotSnapWhenDoggiesPeeAndPoo *PleaseDoNotSnapWhenAmCleaningAndCarryingTheirPoops *PleaseAskBeforeYouPat *WeAreEncouragingHumanEngagement *NothingToLooseToSayHi 🤠 #WE5 #Shibaland #Shibainus #shibas #ShibaGang #GrandpaDogTraining #Grandpa狗噏 #DogTraining #OldTownCentral #MutualRespect #🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 #WE5ShibaFamily #舊城中環 #多尊重少包容 #互相尊重 #文明旅遊 #柴犬 #多頭飼 #ShibaFamily #ShibaLove #ShibaGram #DiscoverHongKong #shiba_snap #DogsofInstagram #DogPhotography #GrandpaPhotoGraphy #BeCivilized #LoveWillKeepUsTogether #只要不投降就是成功 #不要棄養
